Hello, bear lovers! Our dress-up clothes are loved by customers with new items every season. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the relaunch of the collection as "Fashionable Collection of Little Bears".
"They're small, but they look so genuine!"
"They are so adorable when they are dressed up!"
We always receive a lot of positive feedback from our customers. Thank you so much for your love and support.
Here is an interesting interview with the head office staff in charge of the development of this series, including the points of particular interest and the secret story behind the development. We hope you'll enjoy reading this interview with the bear on your side♡

This is the staff member and she is in charge of designing with trends, selecting fabrics, and so on. We caught her during a break in her busy work schedule.
Q1:What has been your favorite costume so far?
More than 120 items have been released as part of this series so far! And since there are usually two or three items in each set, that's an impressive number of designs!
Staff A:I think the charm of our clothes is that we take in seasonal trends, but there is something that we continue to make regardless of the trends... That is "Overalls". I feel like it's an eternal trend for teddy bears, because they look great on them and are very popular with our customers. Among them, my favorite is the "White Overalls Set" released in the summer of 2020. It is my favorite, and even I use this picture for the background of my head office PC!
Q2:What is something you keep in your mind when developing a new product?
Staff A : First, make something that you think pretty. If you don't think it's cute, then it can't be recommended to others! Also, I pursue to make it more lifelike. What I can express in it is limited because it is so small, but I try to make it look realistic by adding only a pocket flap (lid), using a zipper, adding a switch, and etc... I dare to design details that could easily be omitted. Even though it would have been easy to make this product without these details, we have designed it in.
Q3:It must be a lot of work since the clothes are put on the little bears... What is the challenging part?
Staff A : The hardest part is the difference in body balance between humans and teddy bears.To put it clearly, bears have "short legs"... It is very difficult to express the shape of short skirts, long skirts, long coats, wide pants, and so on. I try to balance them with other items to give them a "character". I find it very rewarding when I am able to successfully express something that is difficult to express and have customers enjoy their purchases! When I see the customers' posts on Instagram, I feel even more motivated! (Everyone, please post with the hashtag #teddybearlifejp or #petitloup ♡)
Q4:Of the many designs you have done, do you have any particular design that you think was difficult?
Staff A : It is very difficult to make items made of fur, boa, and other fluffy winter materials. The outfit itself looks cute, but when you put the fluffy material on the teddy bear, sometimes it was just not what you thought it would be!
("Is this reversible vest too fluffy?" I thought.)
So, I asked various questions, how did you like it?
There are many items like T-shirts that have a good reputation for not getting big around the neck no matter how many times we put them on our big-faced bears, or even a single button or stitch is carefully selected.
( Are you guys talking about me?...)
We try to have a clear image of what the clothes will look like when they are worn before designing them. We will continue to make adorable stuff to bring joy to everyone! A new collection may be on the market soon? So please look forward to it♡
As a thank you for your participation, we will send you a For You T-shirt. We are looking forward to seeing many photos.
Thank you for your continued support for Petit-Loup and the bears♡